14, 2009
At The Top: NEW Desktop/Wallpaper; Cocktail 4.4.1
Released, & Bananas -
The latest at the top of the News for an
August Friday, the 14th Day of the 8th Month of 2009:
Introductions Please...Sneeze? -
Traveling Monday through Friday by skipping all the days in between? Now
that's my idea of the ideal work week. Unless, that is, it is filled with
the incredible crud and all of that green phlegm flying out the nostrils...MOVING
New Desktop/Wallpaper -
Continuing to pump out the pixels, MacMonkies' very own Bad Brad Wiles and
his oh so Mellow Cello offers up a "New But Old" Desktop (AKA Wallpaper)
down yonder in the NEW GOO Department.
Software News On The Net - Great
new News for all ye Mac lovers who love to customize their OS X X-perience.
Cocktail 4.4.1 has just been released! Check
out all the details by skipping down On
the Net.
Bananas - Bananas, bananas,
we'll peel some, Bananas!! This has always been, and perhaps always will
be the best place to get the worst joke found in and around the Net. Okay,
maybe not that bad. But the Editor's sense of humor most certainly is. So
get a better bunch by making your way to Bananas and peel a few of your own!
Support The Community
- Visit This Great Site!
New Desktop -
With all of the up-and-coming and recent Nature pics flooding their way onto
the Monkie airwaves, we thought we'd take a quick departure into the world
of 3-D or at least something along those lines. Let's have a looksy!
3-D Rendered - Blah blah,
blah blah blah blah. Oddly enough, words have somewhat managed
to escape the mouth of the Monkie Bradford Wiles.
What's up with that?!! He's not even sure what Department to place the
latest pic, much less title the latest Desktop
entry. So, let's see here...Let's call it - "You Downloaded It, You
Name It." No...How about Illuminated
Tenebrous (look that one
up on! The "new but old" selection started out
as The
Gallery made quite a few moons ago. It has since been set upside
down and then given "glowing edges" by-way-of Photoshop. Got all that?
Hope so...Enjoy!
Thanks Department --
To all of you...
For taking the time to stop by for a view!
Have a piece you want to display?
Check out our Submissions guidelines
and then send it in!
Software Updates
Maintain Releases Cocktail 4.4.1
for Leopard -
From the every so practical line of products from the folks at Maintain comes
the release of Cocktail 4.4.1! Cocktail is the award winning general purpose
utility for Mac OS X. It offers a slew of functions to get the most out
of your Mac. Version 4.4.1 addresses compatibility issues with Firefox
3.5 and Flock 2.5 web browsers, adds clearing of the latest variants of
the RSPlug (Jahlav) trojan horse, adds Mac OS X 10.5.8 compatibility and
contains other minor bug fixes as well as updated Automator actions. If
you really want to make your Mac happy, get on over to Maintain and grab
your very own Cocktail!
Just Plain Nutz!
Note - We'll have more jokes as soon as our ISP is back
up and running. Dial-up is SLOW!!!!
Flying Blonde
There were two blondes going to California for the summer,
they are about two hours into the flight and the pilot gets on the intercom
and says we just lost an engine but it is all right we have three more but
it will take us an hour longer.
A half hour later he gets on the intercom again and says we just lost another
engine but its all right we have two more it will take us another half hour
One of the blondes says, "If we lose the two last engines we will be
up here all day."
Wyoming Dumb Laws
You may not take a picture of a rabbit during the month
of June.
It is illegal for women to stand within five feet of a bar while drinking.
It is illegal to wear a hat that obstructs people's view in a public theater
or place of amusement.
Cheyenne Citizens may not take showers on Wednesdays.
Q: Why are there no brunette jokes?
A: Because blondes would have to think them up.
A police detective was investigating a homicide. As he questioned the on-scene
officer, he learned the body was that of a young woman.
The body was found with a bowl over her head and a spoon stuck in her back.
The on-scene officer asked what the detective thought had happened to the
The detective responded, "I think it's obvious. A cereal killer got
Applied excessively, styling gel could cause you to have a hair-raising
10, 2009
Monkie Business | Bananas
The Top: August Monday -
At the top of the News for an August Monday,
the 8th Month and 10th Day of 2009:
Usual Prelude - It's Monday...Yup. Ever notice how the first day
of the work week is really the week's second day? And how blue skies are
blue but Monday's can be blue or gray? Or how your nose may stick out
like a sore thumb but your thumb doesn't get the time of day if caught
inside your nose? And how your boss who knows it all but can't come
up with a cure to the common cold? Have you seen the Latest
And what's up with Obama's ears?
Monkie Business - Odds and
ends, ends at odds with the odd ends of our latest Monkie
Business mystery
writer? "Make no sound, tip-toe across the floor...Who can it be now?"
Bananas - And if you thought
you could get out of here without slipping into a Slim Grin, you got another
thing coming! Before you head out on the web and check out great news sites
like The MacObserver and MaCNN,
or grab a gob of GOO glamour from a pixel place like The
Iconfactory, ya best snatch a bunch of Bananas to
fill your cyber smile with a basketful of fun...THEN get on the run!!
Other than that, check back soon as a new round of naturally
fried pixels is being brewed up just for you...On your way now!
Odds and Ends
Note -
Our incoming mystery writer seems to have mysteriously slipped out or perhaps
into an unknown corner of the Monkie Hut. We'll try to track her down or
tape her feet into a particular place here at the Hut. Please bare with us...
Holy Soap! - Ivory Soap was
originally named P&G White Soap. In 1879, Harley Proctor found the new
name during a reading in church of the 45th Psalm of the Bible: "All
thy garments smell of myrrh, and aloes, and cassia, out of ivory palaces,
whereby they have made thee glad."
Twin Teeth - If one identical
twin grows up without a given tooth coming in, the second identical twin
will usually also grow up without the tooth.
Teaching Time - Time is a great teacher,
but unfortunately it kills all its pupils.
- Louis Hector Berlioz
Surprise Surprise! -
Behind every successful man is a surprised woman.
- Maryon Pearson
Parting Shot - Never take
life seriously. Nobody gets out alive anyway.
- Unknown
Just Plain Nutz!
That "Smarts"
Did you hear about the mathematician with constipation?
He had to work it out with a pencil...
Whoa Doggie!
What do you call a smart blonde?
A golden retriever.
Reality Check
Q. An ethical lawyer, an honest politician, and a merciful aerobics instructor
all fall out of an airplane. Which one hits the ground first?
A. It doesn't matter - none of them exist.
Users Is Users
A system administrator has 2 problems: dumb users, smart users.
Now You Knows
Q: What do u find in an empty nose?
A: Finger prints.
Previous Edition
the Bottom Line
(What more did you expect?! ) |