31, 2009
The Top: New Desktop; 10 Years of Rampant Mac; Public Beta of DEVONthink; and MORE -
There's so much news in this pothole of the internet highway that I've
got no time to mumble. That said, here's what's happening: In Community
News - Rampant
Mac turns 10; found down On
The Net - DEVONthink
and DEVONnote 2.0 Public Beta, and some giggles and grins with
some really smelly Bananas.
Sounds pretty cool, eh? But wait! That didn't take very long. It didn't
even take up that much space. So I get to ramble, right? Don't I? Is Agent
Lilac gonna slip in and take my Monkie Gun away right in the middle of
me typing to my hearrrttttsskkIURGG OII ERGG U QGI P98*&*)^$%$%)_(^^-878*%#$... ...(she
P.S. Oh YEAH! We have a BRAND
NEW DESKTOP (Wallpaper) down
yonder in the New GOO Department...DUH!
Support The Community
- Visit This Great Site!
New Desktop -
Not sure quite what it is, but "Lady Luck" keeps gracing the view of
Master Monkie Bradford Wiles' photographic equipment. What's more, they turn
out to be teeny tiny cell phones. So let's get on down to the more informative
section to find the skinny on the latest "wallpaper" skins.
Nature - The last couple
of pics to grace Nature's Gallery have been from me trusty iPhone. This
week, whilst picking the Gallery pic (Wednesday the 29th to be exact),
I found a snapshot on my old LG cell phone taken that very day - exactly
one year ago. Its name? Shore
This surprisingly crisp capture of Alcova Lake a few miles west of Casper
Wyoming is actually just a head spin to the left from the previously posted LakeSet.
This one was an hour or so earlier. Some say amazing, but I just call it
"luck." Either way, enjoy!
Thanks Department --
To all of you...
For taking the time to stop by for a view!
Have a piece you want to display?
Check out our Submissions guidelines
and then send it in!
Rampant Mac Turns 10! - We
all knew that Sir Scott Chitwood was OLD, but how old is
he? Well, think dirt. He sits alongside that fabled stretch of internet
dirt road somewhere at the end of the World Wide Web. Not rock, not gravel,
nor tar...but DIRT! And at the end of that trusty ol' trail lies the Best
Desktop Pixel Powerhouse this side of the GUI Universe known as Rampant
Mac. Though
Scott has never officially given up his graceful age of antiquity, we do
know that his long standing home of Mac greatness is now TEN YEARS OF AGE!
Holy crap...That's right, Rampant Mac is years 10
years old. Imagine how
old that makes Scott! =) But never the no-minded Monkie, point your browser
over to Rampant Mac, check out the
best desktops in the west (or any place else for that matter), and wish
the old Scottster a big round of congrats!
Software Updates
Public Beta of DEVONthink
2.0; DEVONnote 2.0 Released - The fine folks of DEVONtechnologies have
released the sixth public beta of version 2.0 of all editions of its
information manager DEVONthink as
well as of the smart note-keeper
Both Betas add the first bunch of PDF annotation functions (more to follow
soon) to DEVONthink, a further enhanced interactive web interface (DEVONthink
Pro Office only) and many further enhancements. Complete product info
along with all the latest features and improvements can be found by
making your way to DEVONtechnologies today!
Just Plain Nutz!
Your Rights
Wear short
sleeves: Support your right to bare arms!
Blood Test
Two children were sitting outside
a clinic. One of them was crying very loudly.
2nd Child: Why are you crying?
1st Child: I came here for a blood test.
2nd Child: So? Are you afraid?
1st Child: No. For the blood test, they cut my finger.
At this, the second one started crying profusely.
The first one was astonished.
1st Child: Why are you crying now?
2nd Child: I came for a urine test.
Chopping Up
What's the difference between chopped beef and pea soup?
can chop beef, but not everyone can pea soup! !
Oh Deer
What do you call a deer with no eyes?
I have no I-Deer.
27, 2009
Monkie Business | Bananas
The Top: Monkie Biz In Brief -
Good day all. A busy week is ahead, so updates may be short-dates instead.
So as we pluck the letters hither and thither, we'll take a look At The
Top for the latest in...So the only word that seems to rhyme is splitter
or spitter...?
Meanwhile, Iconology has
announced Comics by
comiXology, an iPhone comic store and reader in your hand and available
at the iTunes
Also up in information is LightWay as
they have announced the release of 4 new updates: LightWayText
4.5, iText
3.5, iText
Express 3.2.1, and iText
Pro '09 3.2.1. Shortly enough, that's a LOT of text!
So, what comes next? As always there's a dab of Monkie
Business and a bit of Bananas for
your Monday fun. Did I just say something about Monday fun? Isn't that
like an oxymoron? Or perhaps a Monkie moron? Or perhaps a Song Sung Blue
(weeping like a willow)? Or maybe the sun's so bright, "I gotta where shades?"
Odds and Ends
Shorts In L.A. - Los Angeles's
full name is El Pueblo de Nuestra Senora la Reina de los Angeles de Porciuncula
--and can be abbreviated to 3.63% of its size: L.A. However, scholars have
determined from official documents of Governor Felipe de Neve, Commandant
General de la Croix and Viceroy Bucareli that the settlement was simply named
El Pueblo de la Reina de Los Angeles (The Town of the Queen of the Angels).
The ABC's of Oz - The name
for Oz in the "Wizard of Oz" was thought up when the creator, Frank
Baum, looked at his filing cabinet and saw A-N, and O-Z, hence "Oz."
Cram Exam - I was thinking about
how people seem to read the Bible a whole lot more as they get older; then
it dawned on me...they're cramming for their final exam.
- George Carlin
Pie In the Sky - If you wish
to make an apple pie truly from scratch, you must first invent the universe.
- Carl Sagan
Parting Shot - Wise men talk
because they have something to say. Fools talk because they have to say something.
- Plato
Just Plain Nutz!
Old Fart
One evening a family brings their frail, elderly mother
to a nursing home and leave her, hoping she will be well cared for. The next
morning, the nurses bathe her, feed her a tasty breakfast, and set her in
a chair at a window overlooking a lovely flower garden. She seems OK, but
after a while she slowly starts to fall over sideways in her chair.
Two attentive nurses immediately rush up to catch her and straighten her
up. Again she seems OK, but after a while she starts to tilt to the other
side. The nurses rush back and once more bring her back upright. This goes
on all morning.
Later the family arrives to see how the old woman is adjusting to her new
They ask,"So Ma, how is it here? Are they treating you all right?"
"It's pretty nice," she replies. "Except they won't let you
Letterman's Top Ten Surprises in the President Obama News
10. Began with a moment of silence for the Taco Bell Chihuahua.
Vice President Biden stepped up to the podium pleading for "hair plug
8. Put on Kiss makeup and sang "Dr. Love."
7. MSNBC reporter tried to hug him so Obama went after him
with a fire extinguisher (video of Dave & Richard Simmons).
6. Wore
his skinny jeans.
5. His ten minute infomercial for the Slap Chop.
4. Claimed
he's borrowing $1 trillion from Regis.
3. Told everyone to watch "Men
and Their Vegetables," Friday on
the "Late Show."
2. In one hour, he went through two
packs of Camels.
1. Said he's resigning to run for Governor
of Alaska"
Long Fall
How does a blonde get hurt raking leaves?
She falls out of the tree!
Did you hear about the frog who went to the library to
get some reading material? As the librarian on duty suggested a list of titles,
the frog was heard replying, "Read it…read it...read it...."

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