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December 8, 2007

At The Top: Weekend Update - For the hard-core Mac and Monkie fans (all 3 of you), we pop in to share the latest in Community News from MacHeist, a word or two in Monkie News, and a couple chuckles found down in Bananas land. Got all of that Monkie Jazz? Okay then. Open up and say AHHHHHH!


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MacHeistMacHeist II Starts First Mission - MacHeist began its first mission of the second season on Friday after reaching a milestone of 50,000 members the night before. The online entertainment event has been offering free missions for its members since its launch last year. Members uncover clues, solve puzzles, and eventually find combination codes to unlock the safe, and claim their software prizes.

Over the past few days, MacHeist members have been receiving mysterious puzzle pieces in the mail. Their discovery of a locked door at leads into this week's mission. Successful completion unlocks Stunt Software's popular application and document launcher, OverFlow (normally $14.95) and MacMage's Christmas shopping planning application, Santa's Gizmo (normally $15) for free! So get a clue...Get over to MacHeist for all the details!



Notes and News - PHEW! It's rather amazing that after 6 years of the Monkie Biz and a mere year off how time and one's energy slips out the back door. Maybe it's just old age. Or maybe it's just a case of...old age! Which ever answer ya choose, this Monkie is still getting back on the bike and taking it for a ride.

Mr. MonkieAs mentioned earlier, a bit more of the personal creativity is going to fill the columns of these gray old pages. That said, some new and old original music is on its way in the "days" to come. Music recorded back in 1985 is being remastered for its World Wide Web debut from the Monkie Nut here at the Monkie Hut. And if there's smooth sailing, a crispy little Christmas tune will hopefully make it before the Holiday. So cross your fingers and your Monkie toes, throw in a prayer or three and out should come a melody!



Just Plain Nutz!

Don't Tell Me Nothing

A little old woman called Mount Sinai Hospital. She said, "Mount Sinai Hospital? Hello. Darling, I'd like to talk with the person who gives the information about the patients. But I don't want to know if the patient is better or doing like expected, or worse, I want all the information from top to bottom, from A to Z."

The voice on the other end of the line said, "Would you hold the line, please, that's a very unusual request?"

Then a very authoritative voice came on and said, "Are you the lady who is calling about one of the patients?"

She said, "Yes, darling! I'd like to know the information about Sarah Finkel, in room 302."

He said, "Finkel. Finkel. Let me see. Feinberg, Farber - Finkel. Oh yes, Mrs. Finkel is doing very well. In fact, she's had two full meals, her doctor says if she continues improving as she is, he is going to send her home Tuesday at twelve o'clock."

The woman said, "Thank God! That's wonderful! She's going home at twelve o'clock! I'm so happy to hear that. That's wonderful news."

The guy on the other end said, "From your enthusiasm, I take it you must be one of the close family?"

She said, "What close family? I'm Sarah Finkel! My doctor don't tell me nothing!"

Death of Dinosaurs

Scientists have shown that the moon is moving away at a tiny, although measurable distance from the earth every year. If you do the math, you can calculate that 85 million years ago the moon was orbiting the earth at a distance of about 35 feet from the earth's surface.

This would explain the death of the dinosaurs...the tallest ones, anyway.




December 3, 2007

Community News | On The Net | Monkie Business | Bananas

Happy Monday!At The Top: Hot New Stuff To Warm Your Winter! - Wowzers! Barely a week back in action and there's all kinds of new stuff to deliver to your cyber door. For starters, there's new goo from Live Pencil found in Community News, followed by the latest listed by To•The•Point Software and The Omni Group On The Net. And then you can grab a dose of Monkie Business and Bananas to round out your MacAppetite. Since all of this cool new news will warm your winter, I'll zip my lip and grab a stinter?!!



Live Pencil Updates - Lookin' for your one stop shop for all things good and GUI? Then we've got just the place - Live Pencil! Take a peek at what's now available:Live Pencil

  • WALLPAPERS - 3 new wallpapers. December calendar and more.
  • ANIMATIONS - Santa Clause is dancing for you!

So if you want to grab the latest GOO in action, Live Pencil will provide plenty of satisfaction!



Software Updates

OmniGraffleOmniGraffle 5 Beta Released - The Omni Group has released a new public beta version of OmniGraffle 5.0, their industry leading diagramming and concept visualization application. This cool tool makes working in a mixed Mac/PC environment easier with updated Visio compatibility, opening Visio VSD files directly. Version 5 also has an entirely new layout engine for increased speed in drawing and layout. All the details can be had by making a simple click on over to The Omni Group!

Drag-N-Scale 2.0 Now Available - The fine folks at To•The•Point Software have let loose Drag-N-Scale 2.0. This simple application that makes scaling images easy. Import a folder of images or individual images. Drag the application window resize the displayed image. Batch save all imported images at the new size or save individual images at different sizes. Drag-N-Scale can also email scaled images with the click of a button. Better yet, it's absolutely free! Hurry over to To•The•Point Software and check it out.



Odds and Ends

It Just Don't Mix - In a famous New Year's Day column, newspaperman Westbrook Pegler repeated the same sentence 50 times. It was "I will never mix gin, beer, and whiskey again."

Warm Winter Coat - Mountain goats grow luxurious winter coats — more than three inches of cashmere-quality wool, overlaid with long hollow hairs. The hardy animals can endure winter temperatures as low as minus 50 degrees F, and powerful winds up to 100 miles per hour.

You Got Fizzled - In Hazelton, Pennsylvania, there is a law on the books that prohibits a person from sipping a carbonated drink while lecturing students in a school auditorium.


Ain't No Joke - I don't make jokes. I just watch the government and report the facts.

- Will Rogers

Always and Forever - When I eventually met Mr Right I had no idea that his first name was Always.

- Rita Rudner

Parting Shot - Two years from now, spam will be solved.

- Bill Gates, at the World Economic Forum, 2004



Just Plain Nutz!

Justice Triumphs

A lawyer had a jury trial in a very difficult business case. The client, who had attended the trial, was out of town when the jury came back with its decision, which was for the lawyer and his client.

The lawyer immediately sent a telegram to his client, reading, "Justice has triumphed!

The client wired back, "Appeal at once!"

Bumper Sticker

I have PMS and a handgun, any questions?


Two elderly men were sunning themselves on a Miami Beach when they started a friendly conversation. "I was able to move here to retire in Miami after my business burned to the ground," the one man said. "The insurance payment sure came in handy."

The other replied, "I'm here living from an insurance claim when my factory was flooded out."

The first man pondered for a few seconds and then asked, "How do you start a flood?"

Which Way?

A man walks into a restaurant and is shown to his seat by the hostess. The waiter approaches and asks, "Would you like to try our house special?" The man replies, "No, just bring me a steak, and make it lean." The waiter, somewhat puzzled, looks at him and replies, "which way?"




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