4-16, 2006

Birthday Bananas - ZOIKS!
1461 diurnal's after our web debut, MacMonkies
celebrates 4 years on the Net, beginning its 5th year this 7th month of and
4th day of July 2005! To light up the cyber skies, we offer a cool set of FIREWORKS to
enjoy as well as the set from
our first B-Day bash. What else is happenin' on this fine day? Here's a short
- The United States celebrates 229 years
of its official Declaration of Independence.
- The wilds cats from the Monkie Bunch, Tigger and Toenails,
turn EIGHT years of age today!
- MacMonkies hits the trees with 4 Years on the Net.
When we first fired up the Monkie Hut on July
4, 2001, we enjoyed a whopping 40 hits per day...Wholey Cow! Now we
average a modest 6 million plus per month, serving over a quarter of a
million pages in the same time frame. So, to all of you Monkie Readers,
Contributors, and fellow Mac and PC sites, we offer a great big Monkie
THANKS for all your Support!
26, 2006
News | Monkie Business | Bananas
New GOO From miX the piX - PiXel miXer Hein
Mevissen of the world renowned miX
the piX GUI gallery recently released a new icon set for the World Championships
Football. And because he just happens to be Dutch, this fine new collection
of piXel pleasures titled Holland Football Icons was
whipped up in honor of the Dutch national team. Also making a great find
is the even newer collection of Lost icons!
If you are looking for a too-good-to-be-true gathering of GUI greatness,
find your way on over to miX the piX and
see digital design at its best!
Support The Community
- Visit This Great Site!
Live Pencil Updates - Kickin' out another
new round of GUI goodies is Ramon Gonzalez Teja of Live
Pencil! Here's a look at the newest list of fun filled GOOP:
- EMOTICONS - Last set of FOOTBALL / SOCCER World Cup teams
- WALLPAPERS - Beautiful crystal effect
- ANIMATIONS - Football / soccer animations.
You know you want your pixels to sizzle, so get on over to Live
Pencil and grab all the latest!
Monkie Business
Odds and Ends
Yo Yo On A Stick - Donald
F. Duncan, the man who made the yo-yo an American tradition, is also credited
with popularizing the parking meter and introducing Good Humor "ice
cream on a stick."
Chepe Advertising - The first advertisement
printed in English in 1477 offered a prayer book. The ad was published by
William Caxton on his press in Westminster Abbey. No price was mentioned,
only that the book was "good chepe."
The Downside Of A Frown - It has been determined
that one brow wrinkle is the result of 200,000 frowns.
Key To Failure - I don't know the key to success,
but the key to failure is trying to please everybody.
- Bill Cosby
Hold That Tongue - I am rather inclined
to silence, and whether that be wise or not, it is at least more unusual
nowadays to find a man who can hold his tongue than to find one who cannot.
- Abraham Lincoln
Parting Shot - Here's how to relieve an upsex
stomach...I mean an upsep stomach with Sex Lax...Ex-lax!
- Johnny Carson
Just Plain Nutz!
Day Care
The United States is the only country where housewife hires a woman to do
her cleaning so she can do volunteer work at the day care where the cleaning
woman leaves her child.
New Math
One day a math teacher and his brother were out golfing. The brother was
to tee off first and just before he swung he yelled "4!!"
math teacher was up next and just before he swung he yelled, "Square
root of 64 divided by two!!"
Tender Termite
A toothless termite walks into a bar. He looks around and asks, "Is
the bartender here?"
A policeman brought four boys before a judge. "They were causing an
awful lot of commotion at the zoo, your Honor," he
"Boys," said the judge sternly, "I never like to hear reports
of juvenile delinquency. Now I want each of you to tell me your name and
what you were doing wrong."
"My name is George," said the first
boy, "and I threw peanuts
into the elephant pen."
"My name is Pete," said the second
boy, "and I threw peanuts
into the elephant pen."
"My name is Mike," said the third
boy, "and I threw peanuts
into the elephant pen."
"My name is Peanuts," said
the fourth boy."

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