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has had a huge impact on the GUI community for both Mac and PC. Scott Chitwood offers icons and desktops to brighten your computer's day!

Best of all, Scott is a help to all those in the community of which he has influenced. We tip our hat to

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July 4, 2001

HAPPY BIRTHDAY AMERICA! Our United States celebrates 225 years as an independant nation. You say it's your birthday. It's my birthday too, yeah! Need some fireworks? CLICK HERE!

MacMonkies hits the waves of the World Wide Web! A site dedicated to bring a smile to your Mac and PC, MacMonkies is committed to deliver quality GUI material as well as a variety of computer related items. Spread the news!

Rampant Mac has a new update just in time for the Holiday! Scott has 6 new awesome pics that will make your eyes go nutz! Head over and take a gander. RUN, don't walk!!

Alien Skin Software is handing out a fully functional copy of Eye Candy 3.1 absolutely free of charge! All you have to do is grab the August 2001 issue of MacAddict and install it from the included software disk. You get 21 awesome filters for Photoshop for the price of a magazine and have great reading to boot. Grab your copy today!

Strata 3Dbase is available as a FREE download. This is no save-disabled, timed-out demo, but a fully functioning 3D application. Strata 3Dbase replaces Strata 3D. This 3D package allows you to create 3D objects and environments. Your copy is available at Strata Software.

Bill Gates certainly got a break the other day as an appeals court unamimously reversed the breakup of Microsoft. Though the decision was certainly a plus for Gates, the court ruled that "the software giant violated antitrust laws." The court sent the case to a new judge "to decide whether a breakup or some other penalty is warranted for the software giant." The appeals court said the reason they disagreed with the breakup was due to comments made by Judge Jackson before for his initial decision. "He likened Gates to Napoleon and Microsoft to a murderous street gang." One can't help but wonder if Jackson thinks his own comments and verdict were not such a bright idea!

As rapper Eminem was being sentenced for two gun-related charges, Judge Denise Lanford was quoted as saying "The activity you engaged in will not be tolerated in a civilized society. ... Don't misstep. Don't fall down ... Now is the time for you to please stand up." -- from Notable Quotes

Have you Heard?

MacMonkies has been informed that "Drive 10," Micromat's much anticipated disk utility for Mac OSX, will ship "sometime in July." With the Macworld Conference & Expo being held in New York on July 18, 19, & 20, it might be safe to expect shipping to commence about that time.

Many Mac users agree that the release of OSX's 10.1 will be at the Macworld Expo. Many agree that it will not. Though there is disagreement as to when the official release will occur, most do agree on what will be available in the update. Features are said to include DVD playback, Apple's Disc Burner, some changes to the interface, and many bug fixes. It is even rumored that 10.1 "is to 'Meet or Beat' Mac OS 9 on performance." Only time will tell!

Bryce 5 will be released in July! MacMonkies has learned that Corel will be releasing a much improved version of the 3-D rendering program later this month. New features are to include: "the Tree Lab, allowing users to specify trees down to the number of needles on a branch, Metaballs, to aid in the creation of and experimentation with organic shapes, and Light Lab, offering control over lighting direction, intensity and tinting." The new version is also carbonized, making it compatible with OSX.

Have some inside information on upcoming events? Review our Submission Policy and drop us a line!

Check 'em Out!

If you have Mac OSX, and you have managed to collect the handful of third party themes that have been available, then you are certainly aware of the drawbacks of switching those themes! But thanks to MetamorphX by Erik Thorteran, you don't need Calgon to take you away! Before MetamorphX, users had to login as the Root user and manually move the Extras file. Now, you can do so simply by "launching MetaMorphX, authenticating, selecting the theme that you would like to switch to, and logging out." Head over to MetamorphX and take a gander!
Speaking of themes, Michael Rabe of The Doghouse has recently created Glass and Pastel Blue for OSX. These are very nicely done themes and work great with MetamorphX. Check 'em out!
Want true GOO? Stop by ResExcellence and check out what many consider the best GUI site on the net. Excellence at its best!

Just Plain Nutz!

Oh My Word!

Many years ago, when computers were still in their infancy, it was decided to test the abilities of this new form of artificial intelligence. The computer was put to the language test. Its task was to translate the phrase "Out of Sight, Out of Mind" from one language to another. The result? The translation read: "Invisible imbecile!"

Technology for Country Folk:

Log On: Making a wood stove hot; Log Off: Too much wood on fire; Monitor: Keep'n an eye on the wood stove; Down Load: Gitten the farwood off'n the truck; Mega Hertz: When yer not keenfull gitten the farwood; Floppy Disc: Watcha git from tryin to tote too much farwood; Ram: That than thang what splits the farwood; Hard Drive: Gitten home in the winter time; Windows: Whut to shut when its cold outside; Screen: What to shut when its black fly season; Byte: Whut dem dang flys do; Chip: Munchies fer the TV; Micro Chip: Whut's in de bottom of de munchie bag; Modem: Whatcha do to de hay fields; Dot Matrix: Ole Dan Matrix's wife

(To Be Continued)

Have a good line or two that would put a smile on an Ape Face? Check out MacMonkies' Submission Policy and drop us a line!

Odds and Ends

Recently Macmonkies noticed a little "blurb" at the bottom of ResExcellence's home page. It states "$3815203 = interest earned by Bill Gates today." If understood correctly, then it would take a person with an average annual salary of $50,000 over 76 years to make the same amount that Bill Gates earns from interest alone in a single day! Good Golly Miss Molly!!



 the Bottom Line

(What more did you expect?! )

"In Brief"

Info & Updates

Macworld Expo

Apple will be holding the Macworld Expo in New York later this month! Take a look!

Cookie Monster Is Assaulted!

On June 23rd 2001, Cookie Monster was punched & kicked at a crowded Sesame Street theme park for simply declining to pose for a picture! Was someone having a bad day?

iCab 2.5.2

Lean, popular alternative Webbrowser.

Fire.app 0.27.a

An instant messenger client for AIM, ICQ, MSN, Jabber, & Yahoo.

Norton & Virex

July virus definitions for both Norton & Virex are available for download.

Editor's Notes
Welcome to the Jungle!
In the last few years, things arounnd this planet of ours seem to have become a bit too serious! So serious at times, that it has been almost comical. Who ever thought we would need a warning label for everything from hot coffee to high pressured pop? That's about the time when a few coconuts landed on my noggin. It finally dawned on me that even with the dark clouds overhead, there was still plenty to smile about (even if it was just gas). Still scratchin' your head? Well, it just came time to have some fun! That is our mission for this planet of apes. So, if you have a computer and would like to see it smile, head to MacMonkies and stay for a while!

Now, regarding the site...here's your sign! As you are browsing around MacMonkies, you may come across a banana peel or three. We are still sprucing things up a bit and we will always make inprovements where we can. So, if you can't access an area or something just doesn't look right, chances are it will be in order soon. If not, head over to the Comments area or drop me a line. Till coconuts fly -

Welcome to the first edition of MacMonkies! I hope you enjoy your stay. 



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