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August 28, 2009

At The Top: NEW Desktop/Wallpaper; Software Updates; Snow Leopard On The Prowl; Bananas! - All At the Top of the News this 28th day of August, 2009:

Extraterrestrial Exordiums - Say what? Heh...Should make you look that one up. I had to. How about out of this world introductions...Yes! What's so out-of-this world? Nothing. Just thought we'd try a couple new words...NEXT!!!!

New Desktop/Wallpaper - The best part of Friday's is to have a fresh New Desktop/Wallpaper for your face to fixate upon! And of course we deliver as a brand new platter of pixels can be found down in NEW GOO!

Software News On The Net - Lots of new Software Updates On the Net including Mac OS X Snow Leopard from Apple, OmniFocus 1.7 and OmniGraffle 5.2, iSing debuts on iPhone, and Comixology Adds 50 New Comics. WOW! That's a lot of news worthy "New-ware."

New Bananas - New and fresh? Well, always the freshest yet overripe Bananas that smell as stale as they tell the story of a good tale of too many smiles!

So now that you have the entire pile of pixel pleasure and software sensations, let's get to the bottom of the Friday revelations!


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New Desktop - Slip sliding by the work week into another Fabulous Friday is a New Grab of GOO from Monkie Master B-Rad Wiles. Let's have a look at the rad!

Desktops - Ever notice how MacMonkies' own Bradford Wiles can't quite MRX IV figure out how to categorize his own graphical compositions? DITTO! And today's entry into the Gallery is no different. Well, it IS different, but in it's own right. Made up from an older entry containing a "Rising Moon," MRX IV is a radical departure from its original "sister" of sensational star struck splendor. Have you figured out which sisted twister we're speaking of? You can always ask! But if not, we'll simply let you enjoy this odd but somewhat addictive addition to your computer face in which to fixate...Enjoy!


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Software Updates

OmniFocus 1.7 and OmniGraffle 5.2 Released - The fine folks making up The OmniOmniFocus Group have announced Snow Leopard compatibility with the release of OmniFocus 1.7 and OmniGraffle 5.2. OmniFocus helps you quickly capture your thoughts and store, manage, and process them into actionable to-do items while OmniGraffle allows you to diagram, process chart, quick page-layout, website mockup or graphic design. Both of these great apps have been updated to include Snow Leopard support and some great new features. All the info can be found by following the link to The Omni Group!

iPhone App iSing Debuts - Introducing iSing - the Worldwide Talent Show foriSing iPhone and iPod touch where everyone can be contestant, audience and judge! Said that "iSing is karaoke meets talent show meets social networking," now anyone with an iPhone or iPod touch to record a 30-second audition, publish it, then watch their recording climb the charts as their "fans" vote for (or against) it in this worldwide competition for stardom. Ready to be a star? Move your mouse now to get your copy at the iTunes App Store...Go already!

Comixology Adds 50 New Comics - 50 new comic books have been added to the Comics by comiXology catalog. You can browse the entire listing of available comics on your iPhone or see the new titles on the company's website - the first three pages are filled with the new content.

ComicsComixology brings Web 2.0 to the comic book market. It provides your weekly list of new releases in a format that allows you to view each issue individually, displaying cover art, credits, description, price, page count, and other information.

Comics by comiXology is an app for the iPhone and iPod Touch that functions as a comic book store, library and reader. It's an all-in-one app, so users can continue to purchase comics into the application, rather than buying an application for every single comic. So the user, should they buy 20 comics, doesn't have 20 applications for twenty comics -- just one!

Mac OS X Snow Leopard Released - Today Apple releases the much awaited upgrade to OS X with Snow Leopard. Snow Leopard builds on a decade of OS X innovation and success with hundreds of refinements, new core technologies and out of the box support for Microsoft Exchange. Snow Leopard is available as an upgrade for Mac OS X Leopard users for $29. You can purchase your copy at the Apple Store and many of your favorite Authorized Apple Dealers.



Just Plain Nutz!

Mass Hysteria

A professor of clinical psychology at Victoria University in Wellington, New Zealand, included a lecture on crowd psychology in his annual course. To illustrate mass hysteria, he regularly showed TV news footage of teenage crowds greeting the Beatles at the local airport in the 1960's.

One year, when he ran the footage, he heard squeals and bursts of laughter from his students. When the film ended he asked what had caused the hilarity.

Replied one student, "We recognized some of our mothers!"

Work Versus Prison - Part I

IN PRISON...You spend the majority of your time in an 8x10 cell. AT WORK...You spend most of your time in a 6x8 cubicle.

IN PRISON...You get three meals a day. AT WORK...You only get a break for 1 meal and you have to pay for it.

IN PRISON...You get time off for good behavior. AT WORK...You get rewarded for good behavior with more work.

IN PRISON...A guard locks and unlocks all the doors for you. AT WORK...You must carry around a security card and unlock and open all the doors yourself.

Boy Or Girl

A three-year-old boy went with his dad to see a litter of kittens. On returning home, he breathlessly informed his mother, "There were 2 boy kittens and 2 girl kittens."

How did you know?" his mother asked.

"Daddy picked them up and looked underneath," he replied. "I think it's printed on the bottom."

Directionally Confucius

Confucius says, "War doesn't determine who is right. War determines who is left."


An woman's fight with a stubborn cockroach put her husband in the hospital with burns, a broken pelvis and broken ribs, the newspaper reported yesterday.

The woman, frightened by the insect when she found it in their living room, stepped on it, threw it in a,toilet and sprayed a full can of insecticide on it when it refused to die.

Her husband came home from work, went to the toilet and lit a cigarette.

When,he threw the cigarette butt into the bowl, the insecticide fumes ignited, "seriously burning his sensitive parts," the newspaper wrote.

When paramedics were called to the home, they laughed so hard when they learned what had happened that they dropped the stretcher down the stairs, breaking the unidentified man's pelvis and ribs.




August 26, 2009

At The Top: Wednesday Pause - Hey HAY Hey...At the Top of the Day for this 26th day of August - Hump Day USA and abroad, world wide, on the inside (and out) without a doubt:

Hmmmm....Hit The Clutch, Not The BREAKS! - Or perhaps that IS the breaks, but only to slow the Monkie Mobile ever so slightly. There's a LOT going on behind the scenes. So today we're simply pause with a short break in the go flow. We WILL be back this Friday with a New Desktop/Wallpaper and a fresh round of News and Fun. So don't get your panties in a bunch (Did I say that out loud?)! Grab a lunch, take a bite, hit the clutch and coast on into the Monkie Hut this Friday for your share of...Left ya hangin' here, huh!

NEXT! - No, there's nothing here. Go already! Check out the net. Get the latest greatest from The Iconfactory, Rampant Mac, MacObserver, MacNN, MacWorld...Get to it!!



August 24, 2009

Monkie Business | Bananas

At The Top: Monday Monday - Keyed in At the Top of the Day for Monday, the 220th day of 2009 (perhaps that's August 24th or somewhere near there):

Just A Swangin'!Gotta Mint? - "I was walking down the street the other day...Who did I meet? I met a friend of mine and he did say, Man I can smell your breath a mile away!" Those oh so insightful words of Sir Paul McCartney could never ring more true. SO BRUSH YOUR TEETH! Once you do...

NEXT! - You can now get to the Biz a slappin' a wide eyed and furry tailed smile square on the front of your face before leaving this place on your race to the WWW space with some good ol' in Monkie Business and Bananas.

And of course, for those who missed our most recent Wallpaper Wonder, check out the latest not-so-greatest entry into the Gallery. Now GO...Before me breathe turns into a nose and begins to smell once more!!


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Odds and Ends

Hot To Trot - In the original Grimm brothers' fairy tale, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, the wicked Queen was condemned to dance in red-hot iron shoes until she died.


Your Entry Here - According to the General Telephone Company of Pennsylvania, the typical American spends an average of one year of his or her life speaking on the telephone. That's probably changed a bit with cell phones...Like 1.5 LIFETIMES!


Look At Me! - Videos destroyed the vitality of rock and roll. Before that, music said, "Listen to me." Now it says, "Look at me."

-Billy Joel

Simple - My defenses were so great. The cocky rock and roll hero who knows all the answers was actually a terrified guy who didn't know how to cry. Simple.

- John Lennon

Parting Shot - I chased a woman for almost two years only to discover her tastes were exactly like mine - we were both crazy about girls.

- Groucho Marx



Just Plain Nutz!

21st Century Internet

The Internet: where men are men, women are men, and children are the FBI...

Now What?

A couple of Texas hunters are out in the woods when one of them falls to the ground. He doesn't seem to be breathing, his eyes are rolled back in his head. The other guy whips out his cell phone and calls 911. He gasps to the operator, "My friend is dead! What can I do?"

The operator, in a calm soothing voice says, "Just take it easy. I can help. First, let's make sure he's dead..."

There is a silence, then a shot is heard. The hunter says, "OK, now what?"

Give Peace A Chance

You mama is so fat, when she lies on the beach Greenpeace try to push her back in the water.

How Great

A man was digging a ditch, when he uncovered a lamp. When he brushed it off, a genie popped out, and said "To show my gratitude for releasing me, I'll grant you one wish."

The man thought for a second, reached into his pocket, pulled out a map of the world, pointed to the Middle-East, and replied "I want you to bring peace to this area."

"Ooooh....I'm so sorry, that's impossible" said the genie. "There's absolutely no way I could accomplish such a great feat, so you'll have to choose another wish."

The man then said "Well....then how about having my wife tell me how great a man I am?"

The genie thought for a minute, then said "Can I see that map again?"

Just On Time

There was a big inspection on a building site. The boss tells the workers, "What ever happens just act as usual."

The inspection committee was inspecting when a wall just collapses.

Looking at his watch, one of the workers calls out, "10:15, just on time."




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