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July 17, 2009

At The Top: BRAND NEW Desktop! - One thing you don't want to say toPregnant your pregnant wife is "Retaining water? Yeah, like the Hoover Dam retains water..." Well, I don't have a wife and of course she's not pregnant (and I'll never have one either if I keep this up)! But what I do have is a splash of fun to fill the finalities of your Friday. What's in store? A VERY nice New Desktop/Wallpaper down in the NEW GOO Department and another round of Bananas so that at least someone can have the last laugh (obviously not me with my girlfriend standing right behind me). So, enjoy the new artwork, get a good laugh, and STAY AWAY FROM WOMEN JOKES AT ANY AND ALL COST!


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New Desktop - Lady luck and creation's creativity continue to visit Master Monkie Wiles as he offers up a fine new piece of eye candy for your pupil pleasures. Let's have a looksy!

Nature - As the seasons in Wyoming have changed drastically over After the Storemthe years (more rain, snow, wind, fires, and floods), so has the luck of being in the right place at the right time for pixel pursuer Bradford Wiles. Just following a power outage preceded by bunches and buckets of rain, Master Monkie just happened to have his trusty iPhone in place in order to capture the view After The Storm. With a few color adjustments and the Crosshatch filter in Photoshop, this pic should storm its way to a top spot in your desktop favorites...Enjoy!


Thanks Department --

To all of you...

For taking the time to stop by for a view!


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Just Plain Nutz!

Only Three Doors

An airline captain was breaking in a new blonde stewardess. The route they were flying had a layover in another city. Upon their arrival, the captain showed the stewardess the best place for airline personnel to eat, shop and stay overnight.

The next morning, as the pilot was preparing the crew for the day's route, he noticed the new stewardess was missing. He knew which room she was in at the hotel and called her up wondering what happened. She answered the phone, crying, and said she couldn't get out of her room. "You can't get out of your room?" the captain asked, "Why not?"

The stewardess replied: "There are only three doors in here," she sobbed, "one is the bathroom, one is the closet, and one has a sign on it that says 'Do Not Disturb'!"

Why The Dinosaurs Died

Scientists have shown that the moon is moving away at a tiny, although measurable distance from the earth every year. If you do the math, you can calculate that 85 million years ago the moon was orbiting the earth at a distance of about 35 feet from the earth's surface.

This would explain the death of the dinosaurs...the tallest ones, anyway.


Mr. Spock

Q: What did Mr Spock say when he looked in the toilet?

A: Captains Log.


Shut Up Already!

We spend the first twelve months of our children's lives teaching them to walk and talk, and the next Twenty-four years telling them to sit down and shut up!




July 15, 2009


At The Top: Another New Desktop On Its Way - What's the best way toGreen Banana Blob fly by the Hump Day Bump in the middle of the work week road? Mmmm, I don't know either. But never the no mind. Mr. Monkie (or "Mister" as some have come to know him) has actually had a current streak of creativity with a call from Mother Nature and everyone's friendly iPhone. That said, get ready for a rather spiffy pic available this Friday right here at the Monkie Hut. Anything else? Perhaps a pair of baby-puke green eyes staring back at ya from the midnight skies... Oh, wait. A couple a overripe Bananas might add to your Midnesday...



Just Plain Nutz!

As The Bar Crows

There was this little guy sitting in a bar, drinking his beer, minding his own business when all of a sudden this great big dude comes in and -- WHACK!! -- knocks him off the bar stool and onto the floor. The big dude says, "That was a karate chop from Korea." The little guy thinks "GEEZ," but he gets back up on the stool and starts drinking again when all of a sudden -- WHACK!! -- the big dude knocks him down AGAIN and says, "That was a judo chop from Japan." So the little guy has had enough of this... He gets up, brushes himself off and quietly leaves.

The little guy is gone for an hour or so when he returned. Without saying a word, he walks up behind the big dude and -- WHAM!!!" -- knocks the big dude off his stool, knocking him out cold!!! The little guy looks at the bartender and says, "When he gets up, tell him that's a crowbar from Sears.


Stop It!

A couple is reading the paper, the wife says: This article on overpopulation of the world says that somewhere in the world there is a woman having a baby every four seconds! Her husband not to appear uninterested said; I think they ought to find that woman and stop her!




July 13, 2009

On The Net | Monkie | Business | Bananas

At The Top: - Icky-icky-poo-poo-cah-cah! Monday the 13th...Shouldn't thisYi Ya! be worse than Friday the 13th? Mondays tend to suck as is. But to pair it up with a thirteen...EEEEEEeeeeyuck! All it leads to is complaining and complainers should be SHOT. And that would mean I would have one more hole in my head to let the air pass through...Moving right along...This...dotted comes with its regular dose of Monkie Business and Bananas...But also with To•The•Point Software's latest release of TaskTime4 which is found down On The Net. So let's dot on down around Monkie Town and turn that frown up-side-down!


On The Net

Software Updates

TaskTime4TaskTime4 v4.6.2 Released - Those ever fantabulous folks from over at To•The•Point Software have let it be known that they've just released TaskTime4 v4.6.2. This all too cool Mac tool provides a straightforward method of tracking time spent on jobs you do for your clients. It can generate invoices which can be emailed, printed, and saved to disk. New in this version:

  • Option to set project status to "Overdue" at a specified interval after sending invoice.
  • Popup of optional presets for invoice watermark
  • Invoice button added to Manger window

So, you say you need more info? There is a cure for the curious. Simply slide on over to To•The•Point Software and get all the latest on TaskTime4 like now!



Odds and Ends

On Albert - Einstein declined the presidency of the state of Israel when it was offered to him in 1952 by state leaders. The element einsteinium, discovered in 1952, was named in honor of Albert Einstein. Picture of Einstein sticking his tongue was taken on his 72nd birthday by annoying press photographer Arthur Sasse. Albert loved the photo so much that he cut his image out and send it to all his friends.

Not Easy Being Green - It was discovered on a space mission that a frog can throw up. The frog throws up its stomach first, so the stomach is dangling out of its mouth. Then the frog uses its forearms to dig out all of the stomach's contents and then swallows the stomach back down again.


Sounds Fishy - I know I'm an acquired taste: I'm anchovies. And not everyone wants those hairy little things. If I was potato chips, I could go more places.

- Tori Amos

Time and Time Again - You will never find time for anything. If you want time, you must make it.

- Charles Bixton

Parting Shot - Friendship is like peeing on yourself: everyone can see it, but only you get the warm feeling that it brings.

- Unknown



Just Plain Nutz!

0 to 200 in 6 seconds

Bob was in trouble. He forgot his wedding anniversary. His wife was really angry.

She told him "Tomorrow morning, I expect to find a gift in the driveway that goes from 0 to 200 in 6 seconds AND IT BETTER BE THERE!!"

The next morning he got up early and left for work. When his wife woke up, she looked out the window and sure enough there was a box gift-wrapped in the middle of the driveway.

Confused, the wife put on her robe and ran out to the driveway, brought the box back in the house.

She opened it and found a brand new bathroom scale.

Bob has been missing since Friday.

A Really Bad Day!

There was this guy at a bar, just looking at his drink. He stays like that for half of an hour.

Then, this big trouble-making truck driver steps next to him, takes the drink from the guy, and just drinks it all down. The poor man starts crying. The truck driver says, "Come on man, I was just joking. Here, I'll buy you another drink. I just can't stand to see a man cry."

"No, it's not that. This day is the worst of my life. First, I fall asleep, and I go late to my office. My boss, outrageous, fires me. When I leave the building, to my car, I found out it was stolen. The police said that they can do nothing. I get a cab to return home, and when I leave it, I remember I left my wallet and credit cards there. The cab driver just drives away."

"I go home, and when I get there, I find my wife in bed with the gardener. I leave home, and come to this bar. And just when I was thinking about putting an end to my life, you show up and drink my poison."

Digital Clock

Q: What did the digital clock say to his mother?

A: Look ma no hands!

Imagine That

Can you believe what people do in the church these days?

I was in the church listening to the preacher's sermon when I saw a guy smoking cigarettes inside the church.

I was so amazed that i didn't notice that the bottle of beer i was holding fell on the floor.




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